Quality Auditing

The service provided by Perform PMPL Group for Quality/Technical Audit Assignment range from

  • Preliminary assessment of the site
  • Verification of the as built with the technical specifications
  • Inspection of the executed quality of work and identify quality issues
  • Testing of the various parameters to ascertain their adherence to design.
  • Submission of the Audit in a Report with observations and recommendations
  • Re-checking of the corrections post the rectification based on the Audit report.

Special circumstances surrounding the project may involve the Audit Team  in a range of services other than Audit work. These other services would be identified and included at the outset of the commission, or otherwise as they become necessary during the progress of the commission.

I. Preliminary Assessment of the site

This stage will involve the visit to the site ad to have  a clarity on the systems installed and capacities of the various services. We would need to be provided with the as built drawings/ GFC drawings at this stage. Also the specifications/BOQ would be required. The team will also do a broad visual check of the site. It will meet with the building/facility authorities to make a list of issues with regard to services installed.

II. Inspection of the executed quality of work and identify quality issues

The first steps the team will take is to verify and document the  variation to the drawings used for execution. The tender specifications will be studied in reference to the product installed at site. Any items asked for by the design consultants and not available shall also be noted.

III. Testing of the various parameters to ascertain their adherence to design.

The next step will be to test out the various material/services and identify the problem areas.A list of visual look of quality aspects of  Civil/Interiors is also created.

It will entail a detailed checking of the design parameters.A Check of all test report available is made.. Any material not tested may be sent for special testing. Pour cards and concrete data is evaluated.For Services  aspects  like voltage unbalance, no current, CFM mismatch, temperature settings etc.are noted.

These tests will be duly documented and be part of the report that will be submitted

IV. Submission of the Audit in a Report Form with observations and recommendations

The team will then put together a report detailing out their observation. The testing data collected across the project will be also provided. Along with the data a detailed analysis of that data will be enclosed. We will also provide a list of suggestion’s and rectification works that need to be made to meet quality standards.Pictographic description of the visual quality aspect will be provided in the report.

Sample of report may be provided on request.

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